Across all program areas, DYD integrates evidence-informed  program and policy research, communication, and collaborative innovation.

Our Work

In addition to developing data dashboards, reports, and creative projects to support the Department’s Youth Development, Diversion, and Reentry efforts, the Coordination & Innovation team coordinates the collaborative Youth Justice Reimagined initiative and other research and engagement efforts focused on creating opportunities for shared learning and innovation.

For specific resources and more information about our team’s main areas of work, please see below. 

Research and Evaluation

The Department of Youth Development is committed to integrating quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation in everything we do. We support a range of research activities to ensure program and policy design, implementation, and improvement is informed by data and that our approach to data is ethical, participatory, and transparent.

Commitments for the Ethical Use of Data: Developed in partnership with the Division of Youth Diversion & Development’s Public Interest Technology Fellow, this toolkit titled “Planning an Ethical Data Strategy for Justice Transformation” includes our four key commitments to the ethical use of data: 1) protect against risks and harms of data, 2) use data to drive meaningful change, 3) respect youth’s ownership of data, and 4) hold data decisions accountable to community.

Equity Evaluation Framework for Youth Diversion: Developed by Human Impact Partners and several of our partners, this evaluation framework is a valuable tool for equity-centered evaluation that continues to guide our approach to research and evaluation and can be used by other jurisdictions to guide their work, especially in advancing racial equity in youth diversion.

Youth Participatory Action Research Resource Hub: This excellent guide from the University of California Berkeley includes methods, tools, and examples for anyone interested in learning more about Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR), an innovative approach to youth and community development research based in social justice principles. 

Policy Development and Analysis

Our team manages the Department’s internal, local, and legislative policy work in close collaboration with youth, community, and County partners.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon about upcoming opportunities to collaborate on policy priorities for the 2024 legislative cycle!

Collaboration, Communication, and Outreach

Our team facilitates collaborative design and planning projects to identify opportunities for innovation and transformative change, oversees communications and public information activities, and supports youth and community outreach with our colleagues and partners.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon about upcoming opportunities to collaborate on communications and outreach priorities!

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